
Events, Realtors

Riesling Ridge Open House

Welcome to Riesling Ridge, a brand-new development in Lakeview Heights, West Kelowna! The region boasts a myriad of amenities paired with breathtaking views of the area. We encourage you to…
Kelowna Life Real Estate Riesling Ridge 28

‘Tis the Season of Great Events

Christmas season is upon us and Kelowna neighbourhoods and spirits are getting brighter as the holidays approach. The best part if you’re in Kelowna during the season is enjoying all…
Kelowna Christmas Events decoration

Lest We Forget

Each year, on November 11th, we honour veterans who have served in wartime and remember the soldiers who died in military service. Remembrance Day marks an important milestone in the…
Remembrance day poppies

Your Vote Matters on October 20th

Politics can be an uncomfortable topic of conversation around the dinner table. It’s controversial and when people have different opinions it can lead to arguments and fights. However, just because…
Voting newspaper Kelowna Life

Back to School

It’s that time of year again where days start to get shorter, the air gets cooler, and the leaves change colours. Summer is nearing its end once again, which can…
back to school
Activities, Events

Canada Day Weekend Fun

I don’t know about you but Canada Dayis one my favourite holidays to celebrate with friends and family.  It reminds me how blessed and lucky we are to live in…

Festive Holiday Events for Adults

Oh, the weather outside is… pretty good, actually! No need to hibernate indoors. It’s time to get out and explore all the Christmas events in Kelowna that will have you…
Cheers and Beers | Kelowna Life Real Estate

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